Friday, September 30, 2016

Google Docs: Not Research Tool… Explore!

Use the Explore Tool to Research!   Google announced several updates. One is that Google Apps will now be known as G Suite. One is that the Research Tool that we used to get pictures and information is now called Explore.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

New in Google Docs - 3 Colomn Layouts

New in Google Docs ...

 3 Column Layouts Added

Google just announced that you can now do two or three column layouts in Google Docs. I think this is one of the questions that I receive most often when I’m working with teachers on using Google apps, so this is a welcome new feature!

Format Menu

You can enable columns in a Google Text Doc by using the Format Menu and choosing “Columns.”
Have a chromebook? Use chromebooks in your classroom? Learn how to use Google Cast for Education to "cast" your screen to your Smartboard. You can also allow students to cast their screens and share projects.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bitmoji - What is it?

Bitmoji is your own personal emoji. • Create an expressive cartoon avatar. • Choose from a huge library of stickers – all featuring YOU. 
This is what mine looks like.  You can then choose from all kinds of expressive looks to use.

Did you know you can DRAG from the Bitmoji Chrome extension right onto a Google Doc, Drawing or Slides?  You can use it to give feedback to students.  You can also use it in your email, or  almost anywhere online as it shows up in your Chrome Menu.


Install Bitmoji Chrome Extension

Install the Bitmoji Chrome extension from the Chrome Webstore. This will put the Bitmoji icon in the tray next to the Omnibox (address bar).
Customize your avatar to look as much like you as possible. This helps students to feel it is YOU, who they have a positive relationship with, who is interacting with them.

See below to see what it looks like in my email....

Monday, September 19, 2016

myON Reader - (For Class newsletters)

Below is a letter that you may use to send home to parents with the student's Username and password on it.

To the Family
I want to tell you a little bit about myON and what your child will be doing while using this program.  myON is a personalized literacy program that includes thousands of books on the site. As a part of myON, your child will have access to a recommended book list that has been created based on his/her interests and reading ability.  Your child will have access to myON anywhere there is a wireless connection, and books can also be downloaded onto a tablet for your child to read when there is limited internet access.  myON will be able to track and measure your child’s reading growth over time.  During the school year, myON will provide embedded assessments for your child.  During the summer, the assessments will be turned off.  Your child will be able to choose what types of books they read based on their interests and reading level.  We encourage you to read with your child and have your child read to you.

Please go to the Eagle Lake Media Page and use the link to myON.

Below you will see the username and password for your child.

(Teacher, put username and password label here and delete this line.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Over the summer, ISD 77 converted to a Single Sign On (SSO) solution. When logging in through the SSO Portal, you will be able to use one login to sign into multiple accounts. For example, after logging in through the SSO portal you will be automatically signed into your Google email as well as Infinite Campus.

Your password was automatically reset when this SSO change occurred, but you are able to change it again! To change your password (email/infinite campus/most ISD 77 accounts) follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter your current Username (without the and Password

3. In the upper right corner, click the arrow by your username and select "reset password"

4. Enter what you want your new password to be and click "Change Password"

5. Click the arrow by your username and select "Sign Out"

You can use these steps to change your password anytime during the year.