Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Over the summer, ISD 77 converted to a Single Sign On (SSO) solution. When logging in through the SSO Portal, you will be able to use one login to sign into multiple accounts. For example, after logging in through the SSO portal you will be automatically signed into your Google email as well as Infinite Campus.

Your password was automatically reset when this SSO change occurred, but you are able to change it again! To change your password (email/infinite campus/most ISD 77 accounts) follow these steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter your current Username (without the and Password

3. In the upper right corner, click the arrow by your username and select "reset password"

4. Enter what you want your new password to be and click "Change Password"

5. Click the arrow by your username and select "Sign Out"

You can use these steps to change your password anytime during the year.